Tapping Into Confidence Meditation
Use this powerful meditation to quickly clear any fears standing in your way, so you can activate your personal power and step into the energy of confidence. Use this as a potent daily reminder of who you are and what you're here to accomplish.
Heartspace & Self Love Meditation Bundle
Activate, heal and open your heart chakra with two powerful meditations.
Morning & Evening Meditation Bundle
Create a simple morning & evening practice to clear and balance your energy and for daily intention-setting and reflection. Includes daily journal prompts.
Self Love Meditation
Tap into the power of self love with this guided meditation. This short meditation can be used as a daily practice to remove any blocks to self-love and learn how to deeply connect to this energy at any time.
Pain Release Meditation
Mental and physical health issues often result from unprocessed emotions and energy in the body. Use this meditation to begin to uncover pain's underlying message in order to relieve symptoms and better understand how best to work with your body moving forward. Includes journal prompts to help you go deeper following the meditation.
Heartspace Connection Meditation
Your heart chakra is the seat of your emotions. If you’re feeling emotionally blocked, struggling with confidence or forgiveness or want to get in touch with yourself on a deeper level, heartspace healing is a wonderful place to begin. This meditation guides you through connecting with your heartspace, an area that often feels vulnerable or blocked. You’ll begin to release any energetic blocks preventing you from fully healing and open up your heart space in order to receive and to feel a deeper sense of love and connection.
Morning Reset Meditation
One of the most powerful ways to set the tone for how you think, feel, act and show up each day, is by starting the day with an intentional meditation practice. This Morning Reset meditation helps you turn off your monkey mind and set powerful intentions for the new day. This also includes journaling prompts to powerfully align with your day.
Evening Release Meditation
This meditation guides you through daily reflection and resets your body and your energy, bringing you to a place of deep peace and calm and disengaging your mind and body from the day. Includes journaling prompts to help you reflect on your day and your intentions.
Manifestation Activation Meditation
Becoming a master manifester goes beyond repeating affirmations and staying positive. In order to manifest, your subconscious beliefs must align with your desires. This guided manifesting activation meditation powerfully connects you to the vibration of what you're calling in, brings more ease and flow into the process of manifesting and uncovers any blocks or limiting beliefs still holding you back.
Energy Reset Meditation for Bodyworkers
When you're working with clients without strong boundaries in place, it can open you up to inviting in lower vibrational energies or picking up your client’s energy and emotions, which can leave you feeling drained. This meditation helps your quickly reset your energy so you no longer feel drained or exhausted by your work.